Building the home
network for the world
Growing the adoption of Linea’s technology, the reach of its ecosystem applications, and the influence of its community.
owned by the Linea Community
The technology behind Linea was developed by Ethereum ecosystem leaders and core protocol developers at Consensys. The work was led by Nicolas Liochon, who has driven over seven years of zk research and development, and Joe Lubin, the CEO of Consensys and co-founder of Ethereum.
Today, the Linea Association is decentralizing ownership of the network to the community to create a censorship resistant, permissionless, and Ethereum-aligned L2.
Along with the hundreds of projects that have chosen to deploy on Linea, Consensys and Metamask will be decentralizing its future projects on the home network for the world.
Read about our mission, launch moment, and steps toward decentralization. Find out how your voice will drive the future of the home network of the world.
Ethereum For All: The Linea
Origin Story

Ethereum For All: The Linea Origin Story
An evolution
in open-sourcegovernance
Decentralized, community governance is key to building the home network for the world. The Linea Association is an iteration forward that strengthens the role and rights of tokenholders.
Linea tokenholders benefit from distinct legal rights not typically seen in traditional DAOs.
Vote on future Linea Network upgrades through LIP technical proposals.
Vote on the disbursement of funds to suborganizations, working groups, and committees through ecosystem proposals.
The Association must carry out the will of the tokenholders, under Swiss Law.
Appoint a person[s] to the Linea Association Board of Directors to represent tokenholders.
Learn more